The Dreaming

Performance and Recording Artists

Buffalo NY Alternative Original Music
Indi-rock/folk/prog, with elements of alternative singer/songwriter

Ann Janish-Schieder: vocals, piano, synth
Ray Lorigo: lead guitars, classical
Daniel Haskin: acoustic and electric guitar, ebow, synth

Past members
Pat O’Connell (2002-2016) percussion, drums
Leah Pinnavaia (2003-2007) vocals, clarinet, keyboards


The Dreaming

Shows and News

Dulcet vocals, graceful instrumentation and sweet melodies lull the listener into a relaxed, dreamlike state on the debut CD by the band appropriately called the Dreaming.
– Toni Ruberto, Buffalo News

From the very first track the listener is aware that he/she is in for something exciting, full of emotion and energy.

– Sarah Sullivan
Boston, Mass.

Asymmetrical (Live)

by The Dreaming | Picture Book Rain


Based out of Buffalo, New York, and featuring Ann Janish-Schieder, Ray Lorigo, and Daniel Haskin, The Dreaming blend a myriad of styles, from alternative rock, to folk, to ethereal, weaving their own blend of musical soundscape.

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